World Tai Chi Qigong Day is celebrated on the last Saturday in April. This year, that falls on Saturday the 29th. Here are some of the activities being led by a few of our YMAA authors.

Dr. Aihan Kuhn will be participating with a free public gathering at Bayfront Park near Downtown in Sarasota, Florida. The gathering begins at 10AM ET.

David-Dorian Ross will be hold a special virtual event at World Tai Chi Day 2023

Ben Warner will be holding special classes at the Arnold Arboretum in Jamaica Plains by the ponds at the Rosaceous Collection in Boston, Massachusetts. The class is from 9:00-10:00 AM ET.

Zhou, Xuan-Yun will be participating with a gathering on the following Sunday (4/30/23) because his space was booked for Saturday. This will be at Waterfront Park, Newburyport, Massachusetts, beginning at 10AM ET.

Image provided by Ben Warner