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Streaming Videos

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$34.98 $17.49
Learn to use the fast and powerful Sai from Nicholas Yang, with training drills, martial...
$34.98 $17.49
These defense techniques can significantly help you avoid knife injuries when you are attacked...
$34.98 $17.49
Master the King of the Short Weapons! Three Sequences, Key Techniques, 15 Two-Person Matching...
$34.98 $17.49
Master the King of the Short Weapons, as Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming teaches the fundamental techniques,...
$34.98 $17.49
Dr. Yang teaches the fundamental techniques, solo drills, and 2-person matching practice of Saber (...
$34.98 $17.49
Saber training develops the fundamental skills required for all other short weapons training, and...
$34.98 $17.49
Learn the first two staff sequences taught in Shaolin Kung Fu. Includes solo and partner drills and...
$34.98 $17.49
Master the staff (gun/bo) no matter what martial art style you practice with comprehensive staff...