Articles | YMAA

Meet the Author: Roger Jahnke, OMD talks with Gene Ching about writing and teaching Qigong and Tai Chi for decades (video)
July 26, 2022
Dr. Roger Jahnke talks with Gene Ching about his years of writing about Qigong and Tai Chi before they were widely known in the USA, studying in China, the formation of the NQA (National Qigong Association) and his new Healer Within: Medical Qigong video release with YMAA Publication Center.
Meet the Author: Tevia Feng Chats About Daoism and White Tiger Qigong with Gene Ching (video)
April 20, 2022
Tevia Feng explains his path studying Daoism and qigong to creating White Tiger Qigong, his unique system that blends traditional qigong with modern anatomy, exercise science, and muscle / fascia research.