Articles | YMAA

Meditation is for Self Awakening, Not Blind Worship
December 10, 2007
If we attempt to comprehend any profound philosophy, we must first be calm. When the mind is calm and clear, judgment becomes logical and accurate.
Martial Morality
December 6, 2007
Martial morality has always been a required discipline in Chinese martial arts society. Teachers have long considered martial morality to be the most important criterion for judging students, and they have made it the most important part of the training in the traditional Chinese martial arts.
A Modern Definition of Qi
November 30, 2007
It is important that you know about the progress that has been made by modern science in the study of Qi. This will keep you from getting stuck in the ancient concepts and level of understanding.
Traditional Chinese Tai Chi and Kung Fu Silk Clothing
October 17, 2007
Traditional Chinese silk clothing has a long history, dating back to the 27th century BC. Once the skill of spinning silk, or sericulture, was discovered, the Chinese made silk exclusively for 3,000 years without divulging the secret of the process and it was a valuable commodity for trading.
A Modern Definition of Qi
March 20, 2007
A Modern Definition of Qi