Articles | Page 2 | YMAA

The Language of Judo
May 13, 2024
Speaking Japanese is different than “speaking Judo.” But for those who want to have a better understanding and appreciation of judo, learning how to “speak Judo” opens up the whole world of judo to them. 5 Min Read
Judo: Basics Win Matches
April 22, 2024
No one has ever walked onto a judo mat and immediately became an elite-level athlete. Anyone who thinks otherwise will have a short and limited career in judo. 6 Min Read
2024 The Year of the Dragon
January 29, 2024
Twenty-twenty-four marks the Year of the Wood Dragon in the Chinese zodiac. YMAA Staff Writer Gene Ching, who was born under the sign of the Dragon and bears the Buddhist Shaolin name ‘dragon,’ shares some insights on the mythology behind Chinese dragons and the element of wood. Reading Time 8 minutes.
The Leg Scissors and Its Descendent: The Triangle
August 1, 2022
So, for the purposes of understanding how the triangle choke has evolved and how it will continue to develop, it’s best to say that it is an offspring with many parents come from many parts of the world.
Taiwan, Teachers, & Training: An Interview with Yang Jwingming ~ Part 2
March 14, 2022
Now that you have provided us with some fascinating background details dealing with family, studies, and work, I'd like to focus on your martial art studies. What exactly got you interested in these arts? Please provide some details about your very first teacher.
A Fight of No Fight (A Chinese Folk Story) - July 22, 2013
A long time ago, there was a family that owned a small farm. The father worked very hard to make the farm successful so that he would be able to leave it to his two sons when he died.  The elder son, who was married, was named Der-Shin, while the younger son, who was not married, was named Der-Yi.
My Experience at The YMAA Retreat Center in Miranda, California Part 2 - March 26, 2013
At some point in my stay, a potential five-year candidate named, Nathan Rosen, flew in from France for a short stay. I drove with Dr. Yang and Jonathan Chang to pick him up.
The Fox Borrows the Tiger's Awe (狐假虎威) - March 19, 2013
When I was a boy, my grandmother and my martial arts teachers told me many stories. This was very common in China, especially in the old days before television and radio, and especially in previous centuries when the vast majority of the population could not read. While these stories were a main source of entertainment, they also played an important role in the moral and cultural education of the children.
My Experience at The YMAA Retreat Center in Miranda, California Part 1 - March 19, 2013
It was a quiet Monday morning in Bronx, N.Y. at 5 a.m. when I made my usual stop at the deli by the local train to New York City. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted the former UFC Lightweight Champion, Frankie Edgar, alongside the Bellator Lightweight Champion, Eddie Alvarez, featured on the cover of Black Belt Magazine.
2013: The Year of the Snake - February 8, 2013
The Chinese year 4711 begins on February 10, 2013. According to the Chinese zodiac it will be the Year of the Snake, euphemistically referred to as the 'little dragon'.
Celebración 30 Años de la YMAA - January 10, 2013
Estoy muy feliz de decir que hoy se celebración 30 años de la YMAA. Desde enseñar a 5-6 alumnos en mi estacionamiento, hacer mi primera visita a Polonia en 1986, hasta ver como YMAA International (YMAA Internacional) crecía país por país y funda YMAA Publication Center (Centro de Publicaciones YMAA), publicando muchos libros, videos y artículos, han sido 30 años lleno de hitos.
YMAA 30-Year Anniversary - October 1, 2012
I am happy to say that today is YMAA's 30th anniversary. Today, we are an international organization with over 50 schools in 18 countries, and we are recognized by people all over the world. I would like to thank the many YMAA teachers, students, and supporters for all their support throughout the many years. I believe that together, we will be able to successfully propagate the healthy lifestyles of Qigong and the hard-working culture of traditional martial arts.
An Interview with Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming: Progress at the YMAA Retreat Center - August 20, 2012
Dr. Yang Jwing Ming is at the halfway point in one of the most ambitious martial adventures in the modern world. Since 2008, Dr. Yang has been living for over nine months every year on a remote piece of land in Humboldt County, in northern California, with a group of disciples who spend their time soaking up Yang’s extensive martial knowledge.
Interview with Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming, February 2012 - February 6, 2012
Dr. Yang, What originally brought you to the martial arts?<br>I became interested in martial arts partly because I grew up in a traditional Chinese society. I was born right after World War II in Yang’s Village, which consisted of more than 600 relatives and family members living together.
Interview of Michael Clarke for El Budoka Magazine-Part 2 - January 3, 2012
The following article is Part 2 of the English translation of an interview between author, Michael Clarke, and writer, Juan Luis Cadenas de Llano Bajo for El Budoka magazine.
Interview of Michael Clarke for El Budoka Magazine-Part 1 - December 28, 2011
The following article is an English translation of an interview between author, Michael Clarke and writer, Juan Luis Cadenas de Llano Bajo for El Budoka magazine. Part No. 1 may be found on Page 50 in issues No. 5.
Intervista con Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming (Italian) - September 8, 2009
A oltre sessant’ anni di eta’, il maestro Yang Jwing Ming, gia’ membro della Hall of Fame della rivista Inside Kung Fu, fondatore di un’associazione marziale con filiali in tutto il mondo e instancabile propagatore delle arti marziali cinesi tramite decine di libri e DVD didattici, sta materializzando il sogno di una vita.
Interview with Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming (Samurai Magazine) - August 27, 2009
Dr. Yang, could you please summarize for our readers how the first year went? With the exception of a few events, the first year of the 10 year program went very smoothly. In this year, I have learned how to treat today’s younger generation.
2009, The Year of the Ox - Happy Chinese New Year! - January 26, 2009
The Chinese year 4707 begins on January 26, 2009. Chinese months are reckoned by the lunar calendar, with each month beginning on the darkest day.
The Race to Nowhere - January 15, 2009
The New Year has arrived. &ldquo;What are you committed to?&rdquo; asks Seabourne. &ldquo;You might find yourself searching for an answer. Although you may not be preparing for a big race or have any clearly defined fitness goals--or any goals--you are still committed.&rdquo;
"The Arts Must be Preserved" - December 29, 2008
This year the internationally-established teacher of Chinese martial arts and Qigong, Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming, commenced his long-planned ten-year retreat with five students in a newly built center in California.
Interview with Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming, September 2008 - September 23, 2008
Well, to tell the truth, I had never been interested in studying Physics. The only reason why I got so far as to receive my Ph.D. as a mechanical engineer was to prove to myself that I could learn to deal with things I didn&rsquo;t enjoy doing, even with the constant pressure from society and relatives around me. To receive a Ph.D. in either Physics or Engineering seemed to be the right choice at that time, even though I knew that deeply in my heart, my real interests were Chinese martial arts and Qigong.
Der Erfolg des YMAA Retreat Center (German) - August 19, 2008
In den letzten 35 Jahren hat Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming die Vorzüge chinesischer Kultur gelehrt und traditionelle Kampfkunstarten in der ganzen Welt populär gemacht.
A Blessing in Disguise (Chinese Folk Story) - December 28, 2007
A long, long time ago, there was a kind old man who lived on the plains outside the Great Wall of China. The gentle old man had only two passions in his life: collecting rare breeds of horses, and his son, whom he loved more than anything else.
Inside Kung-Fu Man of the Year 2007: Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming - December 14, 2007
He has been a martial arts and publishing giant for more than three decades. With Yang’s Martial Arts Academy (YMAA) schools dotting every corner of the world, and senior instructors creating equally large names for themselves.