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Book & eBook List

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Blurred Boundaries cover
$24.95 $14.97
The civil war between the Nationalists and the Communists drove the largest refugee exodus in...
Analysis of Genuine Karate 2 cover
$24.95 $14.97
Genuine Okinawan Karate was developed as a fighting tool. Non-Okinawan Karate is for other...
Wing Chun In Depth cover
$26.95 $16.17
"Highly Recommended"—Wing Chun Illustrated. Wing Chun In-Depth offers an historical...
The Art and science of Self-Defense Cover
$22.95 $13.77
The Art and Science of Self Defense Training provides you with a condensed system of distilled self...
$24.95 $14.97
Genuine karate is an Okinawan martial art for self-defense; its principle of “never changing kata”...
Krav Maga Fundamental Strategies Book
$24.95 $14.97
Whatever your defensive or tactical background is, the material in this book can add additional...
Tai Chi Concepts and Experiments Cover
$24.95 $14.97
The Tai Chi Concepts and Experiments book clarifies and makes accessible critical aspects of the...
Tai Chi Push Hands Cover
$29.95 $17.97
Push Hands is the part of tai chi that makes your practice a true living art. Tai chi push hands...
$24.95 $14.97
“Simplicity is the shortest distance between two points.” ― Bruce Lee. The Art and Science...
$26.95 $16.17
This book is designed for krav maga trainees, security-conscious civilians, law enforcement...
Dao De Jing Cover
$29.95 $17.97
This book examines one of the world’s most enduring and influential literary works through the...
$20.95 $12.57
This book is designed to guide beginning students through the fundamentals of tai chi in ten weeks...
$20.95 $12.57
Follow along and learn how a unique combination of simple yoga stretches, qigong movements, and...
$22.95 $13.77
This book stands apart from other staff training manuals. While most titles focus on forms and...
$20.95 $12.57
If you’re looking to get more out of training, Solo Training 2 represents your next evolution in...
$22.95 $13.77
If you’re ready to learn to fight back, Loren and Lisa know exactly what you need to survive an...
$26.95 $16.17
Whether you are a law enforcement officer seeking to improve your edge or a martial artist wanting...
Solo Training
$20.95 $12.57
Loren W. Christensen shows you over 300 ways you can add variety to your daily martial arts...
The Fighter's Body
$24.95 $14.97
You have an owner’s manual for your car, your stereo, and even your blender, so why not your body?...
$29.95 $17.97
This 3rd edition includes a new and easy-to-follow layout. Each technique is presented in four to...