Books List | YMAA

Book & eBook List

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The Martial Arts of Vietnam Cover
$17.95 $10.77
The first English-language book to detail the combat systems and martial culture of a land shaped...
$18.95 $11.37
A complete martial artist learns how to conquer “self” and how to live by traditional core values....
$19.95 $11.97
This innovative book demonstrates how the study of sumo wrestling techniques can benefit...
$19.95 $11.97
The authors will show you how to make your street techniques fast and explosive, and how to prepare...
$22.95 $13.77
If you’re ready to learn to fight back, Loren and Lisa know exactly what you need to survive an...
Solo Training
$20.95 $12.57
Loren W. Christensen shows you over 300 ways you can add variety to your daily martial arts...
Fighting the Pain-Resistant Attacker
$18.95 $11.37
There is a truth in the world of hand-to-hand combat that too many martial artists aren’t aware of...
The Fighter's Body
$24.95 $14.97
You have an owner’s manual for your car, your stereo, and even your blender, so why not your body?...
Timing in the Fighting Arts
$19.95 $11.97
What if there were a secret ingredient that could make every one of your martial arts techniques...
$18.95 $11.37
Fighter’s Fact Book includes hundreds of training methods drawn from the author’s vast experience,...
$22.95 $13.77
Every level 1 black belt student is required to learn Poomsae Koryo. Yet, few are familiar with the...
$24.95 $14.97
Within these pages, you will discover traditional karate; along the way, perhaps many of your own...
$26.95 $16.17
Packed with actionable information, The Way to Black Belt will teach you how to set goals, find a...
$24.95 $14.97
Many believe that Sanchin Kata holds the key to mastering traditional martial arts. Those who...
$24.95 $14.97
The history and evolution of Taekwondo from its ancient roots to modern day applications. Also...
$15.95 $9.57
The martial arts revolve around the way of personal combat and to live in accordance with a warrior...
$19.95 $11.97
Learn how principles such as honor, perseverance, and dedication will enhance your daily life, how...